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Flooding Update 08.01.2025

A further update on the flooding issues within Eversley.

Published: 8 January 2025

Eversley Parish Council (EPC) has, as of today, 08/01/2025, received no further updates from Hampshire County Council (HCC) as to when any resource will be deployed within Eversley to try to resolve the flooding issues along the Reading Road between The Fielders and Lindum Nurseries. We are continuing to press them for a response.

EPC is regularly lobbying HCC, requesting resurfacing to the footways on either side of the road as well as the main carriageway and also a complete survey of the junction of gulley’s and pipes within the area. This includes those pipes that run under the roads, so the full issues can all be identified. Once the full issues are known EPC will be pressing for them to be resolved in a timely manner. The co-operation of landowners in the area may be required, but EPC hopes that all requested by HCC to work with them will do so.

Should any further flooding issues occur please contact HCC on 01962846730 ,, or If it is an emergency or anyone is in danger please call the Police on 999.

Our HCC Councillor is Tim Davies, who can be contacted on 01252 844719 or

If you need to report any flooding issues, please do let EPC’s Clerk know on either 07752 735690 or, or Cllr Sandra Miller EPC’s Open Spaces Chair on

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