3 February 2025
Flooding Update 03.02.2025
Eversley Parish Council has today, 03.02.2025, had a further update from Hampshire County Council:
The Parish Council consists of eight councillors, all of whom are unpaid volunteers. Eversley Parish Council (EPC) is supported by a part-time Parish Clerk, who is the only paid Officer of the Council. The Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month to make decisions about a wide range of matters that affect the Parish. These include financial and budgetary issues, commenting on planning applications, improving road safety in the village, keeping footpaths clear and looking after the many green spaces for which it has responsibility. The agendas and minutes of meetings are publicised on the noticeboard at the Village Hall, in the Parish Magazine and on the Facebook page of Eversley Matters. All residents are very welcome to attend the meetings.
PO Box 7502,
RG27 0NY
Eversley Parish Council has today, 03.02.2025, had a further update from Hampshire County Council:
Please see below further update with regards to the flooding hotspot on the Reading Road, between The Fielders and Lindum Nurseries.
Do you know someone who makes a difference within our community?
An update is now available for Marsh Lane close to the junction with Eversley Centre.
This is your chance to come and give your views on Parish matters.
See the most recent full council meetings including agendas, minutes and supporting documents
Find documents published by the council, including financial accounts.
Find documents published by the council, including data policies, statutory documents and more.
Discover the services that we provide to residents, as well as signposting to local groups, societies and local events.
Submit issues to the relevant local authority, such as potholes, missed bin collections and more.
Open Spaces Committee Chairman