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Flooding update, 06.12.2024

A further update on the previous flooding issues in Eversley

Published: 6 December 2024

EPC has recently received an update from HCC Highways with regards to the recent flooding issues along the Reading Road, between The Fielders and Lindum Nurseries.

HCC Highways report that they are hoping to secure a resource early in the new calendar year, which will check the condition of and cleanse the highway drainage system. EPC are requesting further details on what this involves and when this is likely to be.

HCC Highways have also found out that Thames Water have surface water pipes in this area as well. They are requesting that both EPC and residents report future flooding events to Thames Water as well to build the case file which may result in Thames Water undertaking improvement works. EPC are happy to comply with this and would encourage residents to do so as well.


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