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Flooding Update 03.02.2025

Eversley Parish Council has today, 03.02.2025, had a further update from Hampshire County Council: 

Published: 3 February 2025

The Highways team carried out three reactive cleanses of the surface water drainage system between November and January and this included using a robotic root cutter to clear invasive tree roots. This work has been a partial success. The Parish Council will be aware from previous correspondence with Highways that there is a Thames Water surface water sewer between The Fielders and the outfall into the ditch at ‘Happy Review’. I understand that Thames Water attended the site on 16 January, following a report lodged by County Council officers. Evidence on site would indicate that a significant amount of tree root was removed from their assets, along with litter.

Highways have made a further report to Thames Water stating that the remaining length of their sewer up to The Fielders is also restricted with root mass.

Following the work undertaken at the start of January, Highways have planned for further high-pressure jetting and CCTV work to check the condition of the highway system and associated assets. This work is expected to take place imminently.

Eversley Parish Council would like to thank both Thames Water and Hampshire County Council for the work that they have done so far. We hope that this will alleviate the flooding issues, however, should this not be the case Eversley Parish Council will keep holding both to account until a satisfactory resolution can be found.

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